Elmar Kiesling, PhD (Principal Investigator, Head of Linked Data Lab at TU Wien) has a broad interdisciplinary background in semantic web, security, management, and operations research, partly acquired in the course of three prior projects funded by the FWF.Dr. Andreas Ekelhart (Senior Researcher) has a strong background in security and semantic web research on the one hand, and extensive experience in industrial software projects and security consulting on the other hand, both of which he will contribute throughout the project.Dr.techn. Fajar J. Ekaputra (Senior Researcher) focuses his research on Semantic Web Technologies for data integration and knowledge change management in several application domains, including Industrie 4.0, Personal Data Management, and Smart City. Dr. techn. Kabul Kurniawan, S.Kom, M.Cs. is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Vienna University of Business and Economics (WU Vienna). His research focuses on Semantic Web Technology for Cybersecurity, Information Security, and Industry 5.0.